NS has the most doctors per capita in Canada

Canada physicians per capita

The 261 number is about the same as the United States, but much lower than France (330) or Italy (420)*, two of the top-rated health systems in the world.

However, there are subtleties to this that will never be discussed in an election campaign, if ever. For example, Doctors NS argues the high ratio here is driven by the need to treat patients from other Atlantic Provinces. Perhaps, but other provinces will have unique challenges, too, such as vast territories to cover.

The detail-oriented among us are invited to see the Physician Resource Planning report submitted to the Dept. of Health and Welfare.

*OECD (2017), Doctors (indicator). doi: 10.1787/4355e1ec-en (Accessed on 05 May 2017)

4 thoughts on “NS has the most doctors per capita in Canada

  1. REALLY? I can not believe it. So many people are without a family doctor in Halifax. And I imagine the situation is much more dire in Rural N.S. Are these numbers to be trusted?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you mek8888. Both the OECD and the Canadian Institute for Health Information are reliable. But other countries, notably France and Italy, have many more doctors per capita than Canada.
      According to Global News, 11% per cent of Nova Scotians are without doctors vs 14% of Haligonians.

      Liked by 1 person

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